Thursday, February 23, 2012

No more backpack...

Hello fam!
  This week has been crazy to say the least. We've been given lots of new responsibilities as Zone leaders and we've been pretty busy. My new area is pretty sweet, it's so beautiful. It's the real hills of Los Angeles that everyone talks about. We've been biking every single day and getting lots of stuff done. The area was a little dead when we came in but we've already picked things up quite a bit. It's a lot of fun to be in a new place. We live with some members, the A-- family. We live with like 5 cats, and Sister A-- makes us food all of the time, it's super nice. This week has been so great! BUT now I have to move onto the bad news. We went to the car yesterday morning to go to church... only to find the back drivers side window was busted out and my backpack was stolen. I think my camera might have been in there, because I can't find it anywhere. Luckily I had my wallet out. But the thing I'm most sad about is my triple combination was in there! I have used that thing so religiously on my mission and it has so many recordings and memories in there that I never wanted to forget... but it's gone. Ah. I'm so sad about that. Pray that I can get that thing back, or at least that the man that stole can have an awesome conversion by stealing a Book of Mormon and reading it and knowing it's true and finding missionaries and being baptized and getting married in the temple. That would be okay as well.  So I could possibly be needing a new triple, a new cool scripture case that Brad gave me last Christmas, and maybe even a new camera.  Hate to break the bad news.
  BUT other than that things are great. I'm happy. I love biking, wearing a helmet and looking like a doof is lots of fun, it makes people stop and talk to us. Well I've gotta get out of here, let me know how things are! I love you guys! be good.
Love, Ben

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tender Mercy!

     We received the BEST email on Valentines Day from a gentleman who had dinner with Ben! He also emailed us some pictures!  What a tender mercy!

My wife and I had dinner with your Elder last night.

We are grateful that you have raised such wonderful missionary who preaches the Gospel of our Savior and helps bring people unto Him.
We are glad to take care of Elder Dixon. He's a fine young gentleman.Best regards,

Brother Wu
Former Bishop of the HH5 Chinese Ward


Hey family!
   I don't have much time today, but I'll let you guys know the good news. I've been transferred! To the last place I expected... I'll be going to Rowland Heights with Elder Fish, and we'll be the Zone Leaders of the Hacienda Heights Zone. It's been a super long time since Chinese Elders have been Zone Leaders, so we are pretty excited and humbled. I'll be in the Hacienda Heights 5th ward, the other Chinese Ward. We'll be meeting with our new Ward Mission Leader tonight, and the high councilman over missionary work in the morning. I'm super excited to get moving. Elder Fish is from Arizona, he goes home in 2 transfers.
  Well I haven't read your guys email yet, but I'll try to reply to it next week. Thanks for the Valentines package! The cookies were great. Tell everyone hello! Oh and yeah. I can't believe I'll be an uncle of 3 when I get back. What the heck. ALSO Sister Jiang, the one we baptized before Jingwei got her patriarchal blessing yesterday! I love watching people progress in the gospel.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

"Influence for the Church in China"

  That is awesome to hear about Tyler's farewell. I'm so proud of that guy. He's always been a good friend of mine and I'm so glad he matured enough to make the decision to serve. I really think he'll be a great missionary.
   That is so awesome about Noah's choir thing! That is way cool, I wish i had more experiences like that as a kid. Sometimes I really regret never joining any choir class in school. And quitting the violin. And quitting orchestra. BUT things have still worked out. I'm so jealous you guys went and saw Brian Regan! haha. man. I just thought of like 20 jokes and now people are looking at me funny in the library. I better stop.
   This week has been pretty good. Things are still kind of slow, but it's brought a lot of humbling experiences. For some reason lately none of our investigators will stay with us for very long. I always think if it's something that we did wrong or if there was something more we could of done... that always makes me kind of discouraged. But I'm comforted by the fact that I shared what I knew and the Holy Ghost testified of it, and I did everything I can to make them more receptive to that spirit. At that time it is the investigators choice. President always tells us a quote by an apostle, "The problem is not the message, it's the messenger." The message is perfect, there is no flaw. But if we don't do everything we can to relay that message clearly and the best we can, then we are the flaw. We still have one person that is preparing for baptism next month, but as of right now he's struggling with a desire to come to church and follow the Word of Wisdom. I'm kind of glad we're struggling with investigators lately, it has made me think more, prepare better, and be more receptive to the spirit. The Lord is definitely teaching at this point. :) Sun Jingwei and his wife gave talks in sacrament this week, they did so awesome. They spent a lot of time preparing and it really paid off. They have great potential to be leaders in the church. When they were confirmed members of the church, the bishop confirmed them with an incredible blessing, "You and all of your children will have a great influence for the church in China." I'm excited to continue to watch them grow.
  Transfers will be in 2 weeks, and there will be a lot of changes to the chinese work. We'll have 11 elders, which means we need to open a new area and there will be a threesome somewhere, or somebody will go to english work. I'm excited to see what happens. We will see!
I love you guys. Thank you for being great.
Love, Ben.